‘Learning For Life’

Class 6

The emphasis in Reception is to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which focuses on the development of the individual child and provides high quality learning opportunities for the children to learn through play. The children are able to explore, take risks, have fun, form friendships, think critically and form their own ideas. 

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring has arrived in class 6! We have been busy looking for sings of Spring, planting bulbs and exploring the many different weathers which Spring has to offer! Here we are making some nature wands during Welly Wednesday on a chilly Spring afternoon. 

Watch this space for more Spring updates!


Exploring Winter

During our Winter topic we investigated the cold. We thought about how we could keep warm outdoors and identified different types of clothing we need. Then we discussed how Arctic an experiment to see what it would feel like to live in the cold icy waters of the Arctic. We placed one hand in warm water and the other in ice cold water. I think these facial expressions show just what they though about the cold water! This activity provided lots of opportunities to use descriptive language and decribe how it felt and also for the children to ask some interesting questions including “Why would an animal want to live in the icy water?”

We decided that the best way to warm up after this was with a hot chocolate (squirty cream and marshmellows included of course!)


First Aid Skills

The children participated in some first aid training. Here they learnt how to apply a bandage, how to help someone who is choking and how to put someone into the recovery position. They all passed with flying colours.  

Smoothie Bike

Taylor Shaw supported us in learning about being healthy. They brought along their smoothie bike which the children thought was amazing! They worked in teams to each ride the bike and mix up their chosen fruits. After they got to taste their smoothie.