Visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

‘Last week we visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park as part of our learning about megastructures.  We had two chilly but great days working with artists.  The children spent time in the morning looking at different sculptures, sketching them and making models of...
Halloween Disco

Halloween Disco

We all enjoyed our fundraising Halloween Disco.  Many thanks to FOSNI for organising and running...
Learning about Design Technology

Learning about Design Technology

We’ve had a day looking at Design Technology through school.  We have seen and heard some wonderful learning about joining techniques, sliders, pivots and mechanisms.  The children were all enjoying their learning too.  We heard some ‘wow’s as we...
Golden Time at nearyby Care Home

Golden Time at nearyby Care Home

Each Friday some children choose to spend their Golden Time with residents at our nearby Care Home. The children are truly wonderful at playing games with them. Some residents are there every week and say they wouldn’t miss it for the world. One resident said...
Our tour to Weston Park

Our tour to Weston Park

This half term we have been learning about Sheffield.  As part of this we went on a tour visiting Weston Park, The Botanical Gardens and Sheffield City Centre.  We visited and learnt about important places and buildings in our city.  We noticed that Weston Park and...