St David’s Day

St David’s Day

The children have been learning about St. David’s Day and know that he is the Patron Saint of Wales. They have enjoyed using maps to locate Wales and have made some Welsh flags. The children have also used the powder paints to paint daffodils, the national flower of...
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

This week, the children have enjoyed learning about Chinese New Year. Together, they have painted a dragon’s head in preparation for an exciting dragon dance outside. They also crafted traditional money wallets, re-enacted ‘The Great Race’ and sampled...
“All Aboard!”

“All Aboard!”

This week, our book is ‘Oi! Get Off Our Train’. The children pretended to go on a train that we had set up in the classroom. When the conductor (Miss Kane) got on the train, the children give her their tickets that they had made. We pretended that we were...


At the beginning of the week, we received an invitation to have a tea party with Cinderella. For our tea party, the children made their own sandwiches. They spread on their filling and then had a go at cutting their sandwich in half. We also had another treat this...
The Three Billy Goats Gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff

We have read ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. The children have been busy building bridges using different materials, made goat masks and painted trolls. They have also worked together to make boats that were big and strong enough to carry a small world...