Y1 Cricket Festival

Y1 Cricket Festival

The children in Y1 visited the local cricket ground to take park in a Cricket Festival. They took part in lots of ball skills activities and finished the trip by having a picnic in the sun.
Balance Bikes Festival

Balance Bikes Festival

The Nursery and Reception children were invited down to Stocksbridge High School to take part in a balance bikes festival this term. The children got to take part in lots of fun activities and used there new skills to whizz around the final obstacle course.
Ice Skating World Championships

Ice Skating World Championships

Year 2 were very lucky to be invited to watch the Men’s figure skating British Championships at Ice Sheffield. We watched the men warming up on the ice and were wowed by some incredible moves. Truly inspirational!
British Figure Skating Championships 2023

British Figure Skating Championships 2023

Year 2 were very lucky to be invited to watch the Men’s figure skating British Championships at Ice Sheffield. We watched the men warming up on the ice and were wowed by some incredible moves. Truly inspirational!