‘Learning For Life’
Class 7
Welcome to Reception
The emphasis in Reception is to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, which focuses on the development of the individual child and provides high quality learning opportunities for the children to learn through play. The children are able to explore, take risks, have fun, form friendships, think critically and form their own ideas.
Mrs McGhee- Class Teacher
Mrs McGrail- Teaching Assistant
Mrs Parsons- Teaching Assistant
Useful Information
Curriculum information for parents
Autumn 1 22-23 Me and My School RECEPTION
Autumn 2 22-23 Traditional Tales RECEPTION
Spring 1 22-23 Ticket to Ride RECEPTION
Spring 2 22-23 Amazing Animals RECEPTION
Summer 1 22-23 Come Outside RECEPTION
Summer 2 22-23 The Places we will go RECEPTION
Autumn 1 2023-24 Me and My School in Stocksbridge RECEPTION
Autumn 2 2023=24 People Who Help Us RECEPTION
Spring 1 2023-24 Winter RECEPTION
Spring 2 2023-24 Spring time RECEPTION
Summer 1 2023-24 On the farm RECEPTION
Summer 2 2023-24 Seasides RECEPTION
Tutti Fruitti- Cinderella
Tutti Fruit ti came in and performed a version of Cinderella. It was fun with music and lights. The glass slipper was a sparkly trainer and it was set at the beach.
Road Safety Week
We practiced crossing the road. We stopped, looked and listened. We pretended to be a lollipop person to help others cross the road.
Children In Need Day
We had lots of fun dancing with Peppa Pig in the hall, wearing spots and Pudsey ears and decorating biscuits all for Children in Need.
A visit from Richard the Lollipop man
Our new lollipop man Richard came to visit us in Class 7. We asked and answered lots of questions. We thanked him for keeping us safe.
Musical instruments
Class 7 enjoyed exploring the instruments and their dynamics. If we shake them really hard and fast it makes a loud noise. If we shake it slow and soft it makes a quiet noise.
Welly Wednesday natural crowns
Class 7 had a great time finding natural treasure in the meadow and using it to make natural crowns.
Making natural crowns in Welly Wednesday
Class 7 had lots of fun making natural crowns in the meadow on Welly Wednesday. Collecting leaves, sticks, grass and other natural treasure we had lots of fun.
KS1 visit our local Leisure Centre for sports activities
As part of our Healthy Me theme, the children in Year 1 and Year 2 visited Stocksbridge Leisure Centre to take part in different physical activities. The children had a wonderful time exercising and learning how their body feels when they are active .
Firefighters Visit
The children enjoyed their visit from the firefighters. They listened and asked questions.
The children have enjoyed looking at the festival of light, Diwali. Year Ones have read the story of Rama and Sita, decided which characters in the story are good and which are bad. They then made traditional clay thumb pot diva lamps in Welly Wednesday.
The Reception children made reflective disc diva lamps, using their fine motor skills to peel and stick gems and stickers.
We tried poppadoms and a coconut treat that is eaten during in Diwali and enjoyed watching a program showing the different way it is celebrated.