At the beginning of the week, the children entered the classroom and found a crime scene. There were chairs, spoons and porridge oats all over the floor. The children had to be detectives and find out who had made the mess. The children used magnifying glasses to look for any clues on who could have made the mess. We also took each other’s fingerprints, just to check it wasn’t one of us that had sneaked in and made the mess.

During the week, we have read the story, ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. The children then said that Goldilocks must have made the mess in our classroom. They have made wanted posters asking people to look out for Goldilocks in school.
The children have made porridge. The children helped Miss Kane pour the porridge oats and milk into a bowl. Then they all helped to stir the porridge oats and milk together. Miss Kane then put the bowl into the microwave. The children enjoyed watching the timer on the microwave. Then the children chose sugar or golden syrup to put on their porridge.