‘Learning for Life.’

Welcome to our Latest News 

Alife the Elf

Alife the Elf

On Friday, Alfie the Elf came to visit to tell the children all about the latest happenings in Santa's workshop.  He made the children (and grown-ups) laugh with stories about Santa's underpants.



This year all the children have attended Christingle Services either here in school or up at the Christian Centre.  They have learnt all about what Christingles mean and sung happy birthday to Jesus.  

Christmas Nativity

Christmas Nativity

Over the last week or so, all our children have taken part in a nativity.  They have sung and danced, acted and said lines.  Some children have overcome their nerves and performed in a nativity for the very first time.  We are so proud of all the children and how well...

Workout with Lee

Workout with Lee

We started the morning with a workout with Lee, from Stocksbridge Leisure Centre, as part of our 10-day active challenge. We all enjoyed it.  Lee made us out of breath and laugh at the same time. 

Visit to Yorkshire Sculpture Park

'Last week we visited the Yorkshire Sculpture Park as part of our learning about megastructures.  We had two chilly but great days working with artists.  The children spent time in the morning looking at different sculptures, sketching them and making models of them. ...

Halloween Disco

Halloween Disco

We all enjoyed our fundraising Halloween Disco.  Many thanks to FOSNI for organising and running it.

Gold Sports Mark 2024

Gold Sports Mark 2024

We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded the LINKS Gold Sports Mark for KS1 in 2023-24. Criteria for the Gold Sports Mark is: All children take part in both PE and extra curricular physical activity on a weekly basis. School ensures all KS1 children take part...

Active Travel Awards 2024

Active Travel Awards 2024

On Wednesday we found out that we had been awarded the Modeshift Primary School of the Region Award for active and sustainable travel. That is for the whole of Yorkshire and Humberside! On top of that we also won the Sheffield STARS Local Authority Primary School of...

Learning about Design Technology

Learning about Design Technology

We've had a day looking at Design Technology through school.  We have seen and heard some wonderful learning about joining techniques, sliders, pivots and mechanisms.  The children were all enjoying their learning too.  We heard some 'wow's as we went around.  One...

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival

We celebrated our harvest festival assembly today. Thank you to everyone who donated. The food has been delivered to the food bank in Stocksbridge.

Golden Time at nearyby Care Home

Golden Time at nearyby Care Home

Each Friday some children choose to spend their Golden Time with residents at our nearby Care Home. The children are truly wonderful at playing games with them. Some residents are there every week and say they wouldn't miss it for the world. One resident said she...

Our tour to Weston Park

Our tour to Weston Park

This half term we have been learning about Sheffield.  As part of this we went on a tour visiting Weston Park, The Botanical Gardens and Sheffield City Centre.  We visited and learnt about important places and buildings in our city.  We noticed that Weston Park and...

Meet Our New School Crossing Patrol

Meet Our New School Crossing Patrol

Today we welcomed Richard to our school. He is going to be our new school crossing patrol. Richard visited all the classes today to introduce himself. He talked about how we can cross the roads safely.

Happy Lunchtimes

Happy Lunchtimes

We have been working on having happy lunchtimes, remembering to follow our Golden Rules outside as well as inside.  Today we had a great lunchtime.  The children listened, played games with the equipment and enjoyed each others' company. 

Mothers Day

Mothers Day

For Mothers' Day we invited our mums, grandmas, aunts and friends into school to celebrate with us.  We sang for them, had quizzes, baked buns, made cards and gave flowers.  Everyone had a really great time. 

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

We are taking part in Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel.  Last week the children 'blinged' their bikes and scooters and we had a lovely parade in the playground.

Golden Stars

Golden Stars

Just before the half term holiday we celebrated some more Golden Stars.  These are children who have worked really hard to keep our Golden Rules all half term.  We enjoyed two lovely assemblies with friends and families.

Healthy Me

Healthy Me

As part of our theme on Healthy Me, all the children learned some basic first aid skills.  They know how to put someone in the recovery position, how to put on a simple bandage, what to do if someone is choking and how to help a person if they are having an asthma...

Christmas Nativities

Christmas Nativities

Over the last couple of weeks the children have performed 5 wonderful nativities.  Each nativity has been different, special and wonderful.  Our Nursery children performed in their very first nativity with children reciting lines, acting out their parts and singing...

Park and stride

Park and stride

Miss Rogers and Mr Barker met some children at Stocksbridge Leisure Centre. We all walked to school and kept an eye out for road safety pictures.

Our Golden Rules

Our Golden Rules

Each half term all the grown-ups in school nominate someone who has kept our Golden Rules.  We celebrate this in special assemblies at the end of each half term.  Here are our nominees for the first autumn half term.

Golden Time

Golden Time

In school we celebrate the children's wonderful behaviour each week with Golden Time.  There are lots of activities on offer.  Here are some children enjoying paper aeroplane club.

Y2 Drumming

Y2 Drumming

Since September, Year 2 have been learning how to play the drums. They have had a fantastic time playing along to pop songs and have worked incredibly hard perfecting their musical skills. Year 2 have explored pulse, dynamics and staying in time with the music.