‘Learning for Life.’
Welcome to Stocksbridge Nursery Infant School
The following document outlines the goals of the school, the actions needed to achieve these goals and supports the decision making process for the school leaders. (Sarah Briggs – Chair of Governors)
Our vision is one of confident and responsible pupils, who are independent, happy and motivated to enjoy learning.
They will have high expectations for themselves and have access to a stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum which enables them to meet their maximum potential.
Our children will act as caring, tolerant young citizens who are respectful of themselves and people of different races, faiths and cultures.
They will have a wide range of skills to enable them to be good communicators in a variety of ways.

Our Golden Rules
We are kind and helpful
We look after our school
We work hard
We are gentle
We are honest
We listen

Latest News
Halloween Disco
We all enjoyed our fundraising Halloween Disco. Many thanks to FOSNI for organising and running it.
Gold Sports Mark 2024
We are absolutely thrilled to have been awarded the LINKS Gold Sports Mark for KS1 in 2023-24. Criteria for the Gold Sports Mark is: All children take part in both PE and extra curricular physical activity on a weekly basis. School ensures all KS1 children take part...
Active Travel Awards 2024
On Wednesday we found out that we had been awarded the Modeshift Primary School of the Region Award for active and sustainable travel. That is for the whole of Yorkshire and Humberside! On top of that we also won the Sheffield STARS Local Authority Primary School of...
Learning about Design Technology
We've had a day looking at Design Technology through school. We have seen and heard some wonderful learning about joining techniques, sliders, pivots and mechanisms. The children were all enjoying their learning too. We heard some 'wow's as we went around. One...
Harvest Festival
We celebrated our harvest festival assembly today. Thank you to everyone who donated. The food has been delivered to the food bank in Stocksbridge.
Golden Time at nearyby Care Home
Each Friday some children choose to spend their Golden Time with residents at our nearby Care Home. The children are truly wonderful at playing games with them. Some residents are there every week and say they wouldn't miss it for the world. One resident said she...
2 x Welfare playworker job vacancies