We Work Hard

To develop our talents, become confident and independent

We Look After Our School

Because we care about our environment and everyone around us

‘Learning for Life.’

Welcome to Stocksbridge Nursery Infant School

The following document outlines the goals of the school, the actions needed to achieve these goals and supports the decision making process for the school leaders. (Sarah Briggs – Chair of Governors)

Strategic Plan 2024 – 27

Our vision is one of confident and responsible pupils, who are independent, happy and motivated to enjoy learning.

They will have high expectations for themselves and have access to a stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum which enables them to meet their maximum potential.

Our children will act as caring, tolerant young citizens who are respectful of themselves and people of different races, faiths and cultures.

They will have a wide range of skills to enable them to be good communicators in a variety of ways.

Our Golden Rules

We are kind and helpful

We look after our school

We work hard

We are gentle

We are honest

We listen


Latest News

Park and stride

Park and stride

Miss Rogers and Mr Barker met some children at Stocksbridge Leisure Centre. We all walked to school and kept an eye out for road safety pictures.

Our Golden Rules

Our Golden Rules

Each half term all the grown-ups in school nominate someone who has kept our Golden Rules.  We celebrate this in special assemblies at the end of each half term.  Here are our nominees for the first autumn half term.

Golden Time

Golden Time

In school we celebrate the children's wonderful behaviour each week with Golden Time.  There are lots of activities on offer.  Here are some children enjoying paper aeroplane club.

2 x Welfare playworker job vacancies

Applicant Pack